Calculate the Cost of Technical Debt

Technical debt is a silent killer of profitability in organizations. At first glance, the cost may not be immediately apparent, but as time passes, the debt grows and its impact on productivity and efficiency becomes increasingly evident. Technical debt is a burden on the present and future operations of businesses and can cause costly problems down the line. With it likely costing your organization tens of thousands of dollars each year at minimum, it’s clear that addressing technical debt should be a top priority for every organization.

Read our blog post about Unraveling the Startling Hidden Costs of Technical Debt.

What is Technical Debt?

Technical debt is the amount of time and money that an IT or software development team spends on maintaining their software. This includes the cost of fixing bugs, making changes to the codebase or COTS customization, and other tasks necessary to keep the code running and up to date. It also includes the cost of lost productivity from events such as system downtimes.

Technical Debt

How to use the Technical Debt Calculator

Answer five straightforward questions, and we’ll generate an estimate of your technical ratio—an assessment of your budget portion allocated to activities that contribute to technical debt. While this technical debt calculator provides an estimated ratio, filling out the form will enable us to send you an exhaustive report. It includes a detailed analysis as well as our recommended strategies for mitigating technical debt.

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