Why Lonocode?

A famous 18th century Irish author, Oscar Wilde, once said:

“To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect”

In many ways, I like to think that this statement thoroughly encapsulated the spirit and my personal mission behind the formation of Lonocode. Allow me to digress:

If I propose a question to your organization on whether you are ready for the unexpected, the answer I would expect to hear will typically fall somewhere along the lines of:

“Yes, and we even have backups for backups.”

In light of the recent pandemic event we all just become a living witness to, I think it’s natural for most of us to perceive an unexpected event in a negative fashion and thus focusing the preparedness around redundancy and recovery.

However, what if an unexpected event is for the positive and that it can fundamentally transform your company and the way you do business?

It’s not hard to imagine that in today’s fast pace world, the speed which an organization can deploy a game-changing technology into its business in order to maintain competitiveness is becoming an even more vital component. If not properly managed, it just possibly may snowball into an existential crisis of another type.

Regardless of what your definition of unexpected is, the good news is with the recent advancement in cloud & low code/no code (LCNC) deployment platforms, we now have a viable tool that can help us execute a winning strategy to hedge against both type of the unknown.

For the technically challenged crowd such as myself, easiest way to think of LCNC is being the MOLLE system of technology world. It is a platform that can quickly, easily and interchangeably attach any necessary modular components in order to support a given operation & battlefield condition.

Coming from a full stack development world for the past 25+ years, both as a vendor and a client, it’s very exciting to see this type of platform being made available and dream about the integration possibility that this can bring to our customers.

With latest news of AI advancement (Skynet here we come) dominating the airwaves, many of us are inspired by how emerging technology such as ChatGPT and Google Bard can fundamentally augment the way we work.

Due to the low code nature of the platform, development time is further reduced where it is no longer cost prohibitive (both up-front and on-going maintenance) for company of any size to consume any cutting edge technology or deploy a bespoke application or automation workflow that is tailor-made for your unique & specific business to drive even higher efficiency & ROI.

With all that said – I want to thank you for making it this far in my manifesto. I truly believe that human ingenuity shouldn’t be limited by budget, especially during transformative time period such as now.

When you are ready, drop us a line and let us show you what are the possibilities we can unlock to modernize your organization.

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