Legacy application




We are the solution for the digital transformation of your legacy applications.

Why Modernize

Inefficient Systems

Legacy systems and applications are a major barrier to growth and pose a significant challenge for businesses that aim to grow and remain competitive. These systems limit the potential for innovation and integration with modern platforms, making it difficult to adopt new functionalities and processes that can be essential for business expansion.

Technical Debt

Technical debt is likely consuming around 30% of your total development time. This equates to a staggering loss of productivity and resources, as well as a heightened risk of errors and system failures.

Legacy Application Modernization

Security Issues

Traditional software dev practices suffer from security issues leading to data breaches & cyber-attacks. Lack of emphasis on security during development process creates exploitable vulnerabilities.

Siloed Applications

Siloed and disparate systems and applications lead to a lack of coordination, miscommunication, and a reduced ability to respond quickly to changes in the market, resulting in slower service delivery, lower customer satisfaction, and missed revenue opportunities. Ultimately, they cost you money.

Lonocode is affordable

It is more affordable than you may imagine.

Unleash Business Potentials

Data integration

Integrate Disparate Systems

We can quickly integrate ERP, CRM, documents, custom databases together without moving your data.

Replace Legacy Applications

Rebuild front-end or back-end of your legacy applications with cloud-based software as a service.

Secure Coding Practices

The OutSystems platform features mechanisms that empower our development teams to build secure applications with minimal effort.


We leverage the #1 low-code platform to deliver cost-effective solutions with a rapid ROI. Our streamlined development process optimizes efficiency and produces remarkable outcomes.

Leverage AI

From the content you are perusing to the code we generate, our business leverages various forms of AI, including generative models, to tackle problems and provide solutions for our clients.

Cloud – SaaS

Delivering Software as a Service (SaaS) through the cloud relieves you from the constant responsibility of ensuring your application runs seamlessly 24x7x365.


using low-Code Technology

Application Modernization

Application Modernization

Enhance the front end of your application with a responsive desktop, tablet, and mobile app. This modern touch will provide users with an immersive experience, no matter the device they’re using. From intuitive interfaces to effortless navigation, our solution ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience that will exceed your expectations.

Data Integration

Data Integration

Combine data from different sources to enable easy analysis and decision-making. With data integration, your business will uncover hidden insights, gaining a comprehensive view of operations, customers, and industry trends. This leads to better decisions and increased competitiveness. Data integration empowers organizations to fully harness their data’s potential.

low-code consulting

Low/No Code Consulting

Prefer building your own low-code team? Allow us to assist your organization in becoming OutSystems experts, providing comprehensive guidance and support every step of the way. Our tailored approach ensures that your team is empowered to achieve excellence . Let’s embark on this exciting collaboration and unlock the full potential of your organization!

Ready to work together?